
Monday, November 29, 2010

The Two Dog Walk

For those of you who know me well, you know that I rarely walk my dogs together.  Separately, we've molded them into relatively well-behaved walkers who only have an "episode" once or twice during our walks (episodes being lunging at cats, squirrels, other dogs, bikers, skateboarders, passersby, and generally anything that moves).  Walks nowadays are calm and pleasant events for the most part - except for 8am, when all the neighborhood cats are out and about (damn you, cats!).  So pleasant in fact that today I was feeling brave.  So I put Sadie, the stronger one and definitely the most challenging on walks, in the front clip harness, attached them with a little connector so that I had only one leash and proceeded into chaos.  This is what two dogs walking together should look like...sort of...a little less pulling perhaps...

But this is really how our walk went:
 Sadie: "Oh my god!  We're walking together...this is soooooo much fun.  Yippee!!"
Maggie: "Would you stop jumping on top of me, please?"

 Sadie: "Wait.   Did I forget to smell something?"  
Maggie: "Yes, I think you did.  Let's go check it out!"

Maggie: "That grass smells like our neighbor's dog....yum!"  
Sadie: "Oooo! There's a squirrel!"

Oi vey!  I've got a lot of work to do.


  1. Love that. I swear dogs are much like toddlers. I could have told this story with C & one of her little friends. Minus the leash of course. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jackie, Thanks for saying dogs are like your kids. It makes me feel a lot less bad for all the times I said your kids are like dogs. xoxo
